All Saints' Church, Claverley - WV5 7DS
This site in Claverley has probably been a place of worship since before Christianity came to Britain. The yew tree outside of the northeast corner of the Church is over 2,500 years old and such trees were commonly planted in sacred places.
The massive foundations under the Chancel are likely to be of Roman origin.
A wooden Church was probably built on the foundation in the early part of the 7th Century. The first stone construction was erected in the middle of that Century.
The oldest parts of the building of the Church as we see it today are the West wall and parts of the North wall which date to the Norman period, probably the first half of the 12th Century.
The lower part of the Tower was built at this time, unusually placed in the south side in the Crusader fashion. The upper part of the Tower was added after 1494 with the buttresses. The buttress projecting into the Nave has a curious niche commonly referred to as the ‘Penitential Seat’, although the origins of the name are lost in history.
The Chapel in the North side was built in the late 15th Century using the West wall of the old Vestry as its East wall. The length of the window was determined by the roof of the Vestry as was the north facing window in the sanctuary.
The Church has been extended and expanded through the ages as you can see from the floor plan.